Top 5 Mobile Apps That Every Car Owner Must Have

Apr 04, 2018
Top 5 Mobile Apps That Every Car Owner Must Have

The tech savvy world has apps for almost everything and there are some incredibly useful apps for car owners, which help in saving time, money, fuel and sometime take care of your safety. Though the app stores are full of such apps, finding the useful ones have become quite difficult. We have tried to segregate some of the best car apps that could find space in your smartphone. Have a look:


Fueliosource - googleusercontent

Really beneficial for those who wants to keep a close eye on every single penny spent! Maintaining the fuel cost and car economy in the huge traffic of the city is quite difficult and here comes Fuelio into play. Simply enter your car’s details and update the info every time you get the fuel refilled. It will automatically calculate your consumption and fuel efficiency. For iPhone users, VehiCal and Gas Manager are the options as Fuelio is not available for iOS devices.

Find My Car

Find-My-Carsource - droid-life

Remember the time when after the full day of tiresome shopping, you came out of the mall and find it difficult to memorize where you parked your car? We can understand and it’s quite natural too but this isn’t the thing to be taken lightly. Hence you need Find My Car app to locate where you parked your car. It uses the GPS system to find out your car’s position and also sends emergency messages to your closed ones.

WhatGas Petrol Prices

WhatGas-Petrol-Pricessource - ggpht

How great it will be if you get to know which fuel station near you is offering the fuel at cheap rates? This is the best app for those who are on the move most of the time in their cars. In India, the price of the fuel varies from city to city hence having this app in your smartphone will prove to be beneficial for long journeys.

Speed Camera and Traffic

Speed-Camera-and-Trafficsource - ggpht

Speed cameras have gained popularity recently in India but being Indians we aren’t used to them. Therefore, Speed Camera and Traffic is a very useful app for us. It helps in saving you from the hefty fine that could get imposed on your for exceeding the speed limit of that particular area. This app will notify you of the nearest speed camera alongside informing you of the speed limit and your current speed.


iOnRoadsource - cbsistatic

This app is beneficial for the first time drivers and especially the young drivers. It warns you of the potential accidents that might come to your way. It uses your phone’s sensors and camera for detecting the host vehicle. Sensing the danger, it sends warning alert to the driver to allow him/her to apply brakes on time. iOnRoad also provides you real-time information about your current speed and the weather conditions outside. And with all this, you will still be able to access your contacts and music. This app has also won the Best Android Augmented Reality App award for the year 2011.

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