"On even the darkest paths, these lights provide a ray of hope"
“Desire and crave for perfection in the most exuberant way”
Since childhood, you fantasized about achieving everything in life and skillfully chartered the route plan for it.
Surpassing the benchmarks and meeting timelines was the main goal that kept you going undeterred towards the ultimate target. And finally the day arrives when you make it big in life after having undergone through your share of painstaking efforts. But eventually you did it and made your mark.

Replicating your sheer hard work and dedication is a beautiful coupe known as the 650i from the Bavarian stable that imbibes every bit of BMW’s technical acumen and know how. It is built with so much conviction and enthusiasm that you can’t help but just go weak in your knees seeing its alluring design and experiencing its power packed performance. A car that discerningly takes the crown for its meritorious handling and dynamics along with being a leader of its own class!

A prelude to a long term relationship, the coupe is sure to overwhelm you with its extra-ordinary visuals.

An intellectual think tan to present you with the most spirited looking BMW of all times.

Ah! At the end of the day, you realize that it has been conceived and articulated with so much care and precision.

The journey continues as you ensconce yourself in the most opulent interior of modern times that spells true class, novelty and uniqueness.
Well this is the second phase of your exciting tryst with the BMW as the story unfolds further.

The first few moments making you feel important and on top of the world, as you acknowledge the strenuous and laborious timeline of yours reaching up to here.
And a familiar feeling arises steadily that exudes a home like feeling to keep you engaged and hooked to your fancied possession.

The Germans have meticulously planned your stay within with the most ergonomic and practical setup that is devoid of any complaints and shortcomings that wins the reverence and honor of doing its task aptly.

The highlight of the car now shows up in the fascinating expedition!
There is surely something to snap you out from your cultivated thoughts and try it out practically.
The song” My dream is to fly over the rainbow so high” will play on your mind for a whole day long after you’ve experienced the might and potentiality of the sinister 4.4 V8 Twin Turbo petrol motor under the hood.
Its menacing and brutal power is like a huge sea tide wave rising with full force and strength which elevates the fun onboard. A vigorous portrayal of thrilling on road mannerisms is surely not away when you’ve got a companion who possesses incredible handling characteristics, this being a trait attached to BMWs since ages.
A flawless concoction with the beautiful background of the valley road as the BMW 650i shoots up like a steadfast arrow in action.
“Every Passion has its Destiny”.
What is meant to be always finds a way.
You’ve worked hard all your life and rewarding yourself with the epitome of sophistication and technological marvel will surely create an emotional and memorable moment for you to be cherished at a later date.